Getting help for Point-of-Care COVID-19 Vaccine Administration
The stakes are high – saving lives. And reaching millions of people in diverse settings is the challenge.
So far, hats off to Indiana, as the state is doing well with getting vaccine needles in arms, reaching multiple thousands of first responders, front-line professionals, and our senior population. But the complexity is already ramping up. And with it the possibility of errors and inefficiencies.
Given our experience in complex and intense environments (we’re ranked nationally in the top 50 - check out what the industry says about us at here), we know what it takes to cut through clutter and deliver effective messages with a call-to-action.
We know that the best laid plans – however carefully thought out – can literally run into an unforeseen snag. Ask our staff about what they did when a forklift plowed into a complex Fortune 50 client’s complex multi-sensory event booth just a few hours before the show opened.
Based on this depth, (by the way, Hamilton’s professional team jumped on the debris and quickly re-built it almost from scratch), we can bring that expertise to basically any vaccine administration team in the state (and beyond).
For certain, concerning COVID-19 vaccine delivery, it’s not about selling products. It’s about creating a safe and efficient environment for efficient vaccine delivery for a whole spectrum of Hoosiers.
What’s on deck?
Health officials estimate that at least 70% – 4.8 million Hoosiers – will need to be vaccinated to achieve herd immunity and end the pandemic in Indiana. Because of emerging variants of the virus, Dr. Kris Box, Indiana State Health Commissioner, recently stated that a vaccination level of 80-85% may ultimately be required.
These are tough numbers. State and federal officials presently aim for the herd immunity level to be reached before the end of 2021. Let’s be honest - to achieve this, the current logistical framework for rapid vaccine administration needs to step up.
Developing and deploying best practices with Hamilton
Are you involved in this critical operation of vaccine administration to Indiana? I invite you to consider that Hamilton holds proven critical experience in terms of planning, executing, and delivering complex logistical operations that engage large segments of communities. Dealing with complex operations are the norm for us.
Are you using simple “pipe and drape” to erect temporary facilities for vaccine administration? Do you need help with large-scale mass vaccination operations? Hamilton’s deep organizational experience can help last mile operations become more efficient, safe, and effective.

Maximizing safe vaccine administration
With critical professional depth in both digital and physical environments (see the national recognition we scored for our digital work with Zimmer Biomet), we’re available to help vaccine operations design and improve processes. We can work with your team to help safely maximize the highest number possible of vaccines administered each day.
And as Bloomberg BusinessWeek recently pointed out, vaccine upgrades and responses to COVID-19 variants means that large-scale vaccine administration is likely to be around through 2021 and beyond.
If you’re short-staffed or simply want a second opinion, we’re available to help forecast on-site patient traffic issues and recommend pathways for high efficiency. As you know, point-of-care issues and vaccine administration are ramping up. Find more information about Hamilton’s in-depth solutions and best practices here.
We’re here to help. We’re happy to provide some obligation-free suggestions. Take us up - contact Hamilton today by email at